Archive Gallery: Introduction
These photographs and images provide a record of the life of Dragon Hall, largely but not exclusively, in the 20th and 21st centuries. In particular they are designed to show the evolution of Dragon Hall from a residential and commercial building until the 1960’s, through its ‘re-discovery’ as a unique medieval trading hall, decades of research, fund raising, restoration and work by many dedicated volunteers and professionals, its life as a heritage building, to its latest incarnation as the National Centre for Writing in 2018.
The images complement the various documents which can be seen and downloaded from the Archive documents tab on the History page of this website. Some of the images are scans of documents and press cuttings. They are arranged chronologically in periods which are then subdivided into either shorter periods or topics and sub- topics.
We believe that the relevant permissions have been obtained where necessary but would be glad to hear from anyone who feel they should be acknowledged or their permission sought. The contact address is on the Home page of the website.