Interior of Dragon Hall: roof

Archive Gallery: 1900 — 1970’s

This section includes the time of the re-discovery of the trading hall in the late 1960s/early 1970s. In the first sub-section 2a (1920 -1940) are the very first photographs of the building, notably those of George Plunkett. We are grateful to his son Jonathan for permission to use them. The second sub-section 2b (1940 – 1980) includes two photos of apparent bomb damage in 1942 which must be the result of the ‘Norwich Blitz’. The 1951 photograph taken in the attic is notable because it indicates a very early interest in the architecture of the building. Evidence of interest in the building in the 1940s is shown by the Press cuttings which are all in sub-section, 2c (Press etc.). The Old Barge pub which closed in 1969 was located in the 14th century hall house which pre-dates Dragon Hall; it is given another sub-section, 2d.

1920 — 1940

1940 – 1980

Press, Early references & Pre- restoration photos

Old Barge pub