Archive Gallery: 1980 — 2005
This covers the period from the ownership of the building passing to the City up to the major Heritage Lottery Fund building project of 2005/06 - probably the most important period since the demise of the trading hall in the 14th century. The selection of photos, press cuttings and extracts from documents gives just a taste of how an army of dedicated volunteers and professionals made possible the transformation of the dilapidated building into a major heritage venue. It also includes the formation in 1985 of the Norfolk and Norwich Heritage Trust which drove most of this work and managed the building until 2015.
New Ideas and Plans
1981 'Lofty Revelations'
1983 Advisory Committee - Uses for the Old Barge (Buidling)
1985 1st meeting of Old Barge Steering Committee
1985-6 The Old Barge - Norfolk Heritage magazine
1987 'City's Hall of the Dragon' (EEN)
English Heritage photos of 1981
1981 - upper part of hall of 14th century house (English Heritage)
1981 C14th Entrance to Undercroft (English Heritage 1981)
1981 Chimney behind crown post in attic
1981 Chimney in Great Hall
1981 Chimney in Great Hall
1981 Exterior - Rear of Hall
1981 Old Barge Room - service area of 14th century hall house (English Heritage)
1981 Part of ground floor of King St frontage, previously St Julian's Vicarage
1981 Undercroft of 14th century hall house (English Heritage)
Fund raising & Publicity
1989 Appeal tops £167,000
1989 Duke of Gloucester visit
1989 John Timpson assists
1996 £300 from the Woolmen
1998 Mayor Harry Watson's Appeal
1998 Prince Charles
1998 Visit of Prince of Wales (EDP)
Duchess of Kent
Target of £316,800 achieved - Snap, Mayor Harry Watson and Chris Barringer
Norfolk & Norwich Heritage Trust
1985 Proposals for a Trust - Extract
1986 New Name for the Old Barge
1986 'Hands Off The Old Barge' (EEN)
1991 'An Exciting Discovery'
2003 HLF grant (EEN)
2004 The Trust's Vision
Repairs & restoration
1980's Carpenters at work
1980's Delapidated timbers
1981 Interior shots (George Plunkett)
1981 Roof Repairs (George Plunkett)
1993 Chris Barringer and Lord Lieutenant
Cartoon - Father Christmas
Central Chimney in Great Hall
In the attic
Repairs and chimney in Great Hall
Repairs, with dragon carving (George Plunkett)
Summary of Restoration Costs- £623,600
The Friends of Norfolk and Norwich Heritage
1980s Friends outing
1987 - 2002 Collage of Friends' activities
1987 Friends 1st Newsletter
1987 Launch of The Friends
1993 Friends' Christmas event
2004 'Bridges of Norwich' poster
1987 - 88 Archaeology in Cellar
1997 - 98 14th century Garderobe
1997 - 98 Abbey of Woburn's 13th century stone house
1997 - 98 Pottery finds (EEA Report 112)
1997 - 98 View of archaeology
1997 'Digging into a city's history' (EDP)
1997 - 98 Aerial shot of archaeology
2005 Wessex Archaeology find
2005 Wessex Archaeology Open Day
2005 Wessex Archaeology
Cover of EAA Report 112 (2005)